Contrasting characters

Having chosen a social group, we need to imagine two new members: one who fits and one who doesn't.

Here are some notes for our knitting club idea:

Knitting club

Character who fits in:

Brings patterns and recipes, shares wool, has her own needles, good quality, patterns aren’t brash or offensive, listens to everyone, encourages stories, shares her own stories, brings food. 

Character who doesn’t fit in:

Steals recipes and claims they’re her own, criticises other people’s knitting, designs are tasteless, doesn’t follow any patterns, talks too much, interrupts other people, gets into arguments with the neighbourhood centre staff, talks about politics, farts.


Here are some notes for our assassins idea:

Gang of assassins

Character who fits in:

Professional, fast, competent, deadly, silent, discreet, fearless, obedient, quick-witted, agile, patient, has own gear, high quality, minds their own business.

Character who doesn’t fit in:

Slow, lazy, stupid, arrogant, impatient, blows cover, drops weapons, can’t climb, misses shots, always chooses the most complicated plan, gets bored, asks too many questions.

Here are your notes about your group from the previous page, for your reference.
Describe two contrasting characters that could try to join your group.

Copy stamp

We suggest you copy your brainstorming notes to a Word doc or similar so you can refer back to them easily as you go through this lesson.