
Key questions

  • How did this happen? What will happen next? What would happen if...?

Used for

  • Resolving disputes regarding causality
    • In the past (explanation)
    • In the future (prediction)

Lean Ins 38 Percent Counts Campaign

Makes use of

  • Causal reasoning
    • Causal chain (one cause leads to another)
    • Multi-factor (multiple causes contribute to one effect)
  • Causal connectives:
    • Because, so, then, until, when, thus, as a result of, consequently...

East Palestine Train Derailment Photo by Gene J. Puskar Associated Press

(East Palestine train derailment, photo by Gene J. Puskar / Associated Press)

As the train approached East Palestine, a wheel bearing on its 23rd railcar rapidly overheated, its temperature soaring to more than 250 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient outdoor temperature of 10 degrees.

The overheating triggered an alarm, which caused the train's engineer to immediately apply the brakes to bring the train to the stop. An automatic emergency braking system also came into effect.

But when the three-person crew exited the train to inspect the bearing, they saw fire and smoke, an indicator of a possible derailment, the report said. Ultimately, 38 cars derailed, 11 of which carried toxic chemicals.

Other notes

  • Limits are often about the reliability of evidence

Context ideas

  • Speaker roles: Investigator, detective, historian, social scientist, journalist
  • Situations: Crime, mystery, strange scientific phenomena

FS Causal argument chihuahua caravan

Explain the chain of events that created this specific situation, starting in the past and working forwards | R1 Situation | R2 Cause 1 | R3 Cause 2 | R4 Cause 3 | R5 Conclusion

Explain the chain of cause and effect that created this trend more generally. | R1 Pose question | R2 It began with | R3 This caused | R4 This in turn caused | R5 Finally

FS Causal argument dinosaurs on fire

Argue the chain of cause and effect that created this specific situation. | R1 Pose question | R2 It began with | R3 Which then caused | R4 Until finally | R5 Respond to objections and conclude

Argue the chain of cause and effect that created this general trend. | R1 Pose question | R2 It began with | R3 Which then caused | R4 Until finally | R5 Respond to objections and conclude