The reaction

In the next snippet, Jade Dragon reacts to the trigger:

Those words filled Jade Dragon with anger. Tired of rain! Glad the clouds were gone! Jade Dragon was indignant. How dare the villagers dishonor her that way!

Jade Dragon was so offended that she decided that she would never let it rain again. "The people can enjoy the sun forever," Jade Dragon thought resentfully.

We've deliberately simplified the highlighting in this snippet.

  • First we have Jade Dragon's thoughts and emotions.
  • Then we have her behaviour—although this is tricky.

We don't actually see Jade Dragon's behaviour. Her reaction is told as a combination of thoughts and emotions. 

But she does stop the rain. This makes for confusing highlighting because you could highlight thoughts and emotions—but then the highlighting would miss the fact that Jade Dragon had done something.

In the simplest terms, this snippet boils down to:

  • Jade dragon is angry and indignant...
  • So she withholds the rain.

And that's basically the pattern you should follow, though you can describe more thoughts and feelings inside those blocks if you want. 

Here's an example using the same elements:

Something in Mr O'Malley snapped. Sterile! Boring! Brain-killing! He felt his world collapse. Was his daily labour worth nothing to them?

Mr O'Malley was so furious that he decided he would let nature run its course. No more cleaning. No more maintenance. "Unstop the gears of time and let loose the forces of entropy!" he declared in a rage.

Notice how in the example we use feelings instead of emotional labels. You can play around with these elements as well.

To write your own variation:

  • Describe the main character's emotional response.
  • Describe their new behaviour.

The behaviour can include additional thoughts and emotions, as you like.

Have the main character react—describe their emotions and behaviour.