See you next time!

Well done! There is so much to learn about complex sentences, and we have covered a lot in this lesson.

To summarise:

Complex sentences can help make our writing more efficient, more interesting, or even create meaning that can’t be created in other ways.

The key to complex sentences is layering or embedding events inside each other. In grammatical terms, a supporting clause plays a role (e.g. subject, object, modifier, or even other roles) inside a main clause.

Different types of supporting clauses have different structures and play different kinds of roles.

  • ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ clauses to add more detail about events. 
  • Infinitive ‘to’ clauses to give reasons and conditions. 
  • ‘Question word’ clauses to define entities.
  • And so on.

We can use connectors to combine complex sentences just as we would use them to combine simple sentences. We call these ‘compound-complex sentences’ but they aren’t really all that special.

As you read and write more, you will very likely come across complex sentences that create different meanings than the ones we covered in this lesson! Complex sentences are hugely varied and flexible, but we’ve tried to cover all the major types here.

The important thing is not to panic—supporting clauses look complicated, but at their core they’re just more pieces you can use to take your writing from this:

Rough thumbnail sketch this:

Fully resolved painting

Choose a paragraph and find the complex sentences. What kinds of meaning do they create? Are some kinds of complex sentence more common than others? Are complex sentences—and different types of complex sentence—more common in some text types (stories, newspaper articles, etc.) compared to others?

woman goes to punch man amid flying pots of apples while onlookers laugh in old timey port

We used snippets from a wide range of sources in this lesson. Here's a few of the main ones we used:

The Musicians of Bremen

Our Checkpoint snippet came from the Grimm's fairytale The Musicians of Bremen, as published in Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version edited by Philip Pullman.

Song of the Lioness (quartet)

Tamora Pierce's The Song of the Lioness quartet is a medieval fantasy about a girl with dreams of becoming a legendary knight who disguises herself as a boy in order to win her shield.

Mosquito Advertising: The Blade Brief

The Mosquito Advertising series by Kate Hunter is about a group of high school kids who set up their own advertising agency to help local businesses. It's set in Brisbane—the home base of the Writelike team!

See you next time! đź‘‹