Inspiration images

Here are a couple of inspiration images for this lesson. 

You can use one of these, find your own, or draw from your experience or imagination.

You're looking for a scene that suggests a relationship with some kind of vulnerability.

Cartoon standing in front of a missing person board

This image is from Atey Ghailan, an amazing artist at Riot Games. This is part of a series featuring his penguin & corgi characters called Toki and Ulf.

Picture of an old homeless man sitting on a street with a sleeping dog by his side

This image is from Jakob Eirich, a freelance artist in Germany, who does great stuff with tiny characters and looming giants.

Before you start writing, think:

  • What’s going on? 
  • Who is worrying about who? 
  • What are they worried about? 
  • Who are my three characters: main character, someone to worry about, someone to talk to?

Let's get to writing!