Owl House seasons and episodes

Speaking of Owl House, what can you say about this list?

Owl house seasons

(The Owl House seasons from Wikipedia)

Vertical, horizontal, or matrix? Ordered or unordered? How many levels? What are the list items? How much detail in each item?
  • It's a matrix.
  • It's ordered sequentially, over time.
  • It has 1 level—most matrices are flat (but not all).
  • List items are seasons. (Properties are episode counts and air dates.)
  • Minimal detail: numbers and dates only.

Remember we said about matrices that if you wanted to include information that didn't fit the structure, you needed to make an additional matrix?

Here's an example of that.

The matrix above is about Owl House episodes, but only at a summary (season) level.

Here's a more detailed matrix, about specific episodes (right-click to open in a new tab):

Owl House episodes

(From Wikipedia)

How is this matrix different? Ordered or unordered? How many levels? What are the list items? How much detail in each item?

It's another ordered matrix but with a lot more detail.

If you look closely, you might notice some interesting things about levels:

  • First, the episode summaries are on a new row. Does that mean they are new items? No, it's just a layout trick, folding another column's worth of content into its own row. The summary is still a property of the episode.
  • But if you look in the Written By column, you'll see there is a tiny sub-matrix in each one: Story By and Teleplay By. (Because sometimes different writers come up with the overall architecture of an episode vs write the specific action and dialogue.)