Here comes the cavalry

Finally, with that last turn in the heroes’ favour, the passage rides the tension release out to a triumphant finale. This is the time to show off the last-ditch efforts, the hail marys, of characters determined to succeed. It is a great opportunity to introduce displays of emotion or passion to end the action with some drama.

Hollering a bloodcurdling war cry, he seized the trooper by the collar, and launched his own head forward. Their skulls connected with a sickening crack – and then the trooper was on the floor, unconscious. Dashwood had felled him with a single massive head-butt.

The description goes from high motion to stillness to signify the end of the action, giving room to take in what has just happened.

Roaring at the fallen soldiers, the creature turned and spoke again to the goo machine. Fresh beams erupted, this time to Biff – and the pain stopped as quickly as it started. The creature’s machine could heal as well as destroy, and Biff was beyond grateful.

With a high electric whine, the drone swooped in and activated its laser directly overhead. The merc’s helmet turned red—then suddenly there was nothing but a pulpy mist. The rider had been evaporated. According to Vijay’s HUD, the entire firefight had lasted 3.6 seconds.

Barrelling forward with frightening speed, he grabbed their breathing tube, but this time used it to pull the human’s head back. He made a simple movement with his knife – and the invader was lifeless. The commander saving Jola's life and ending theirs.

Write the conclusion to your action scene here.