Developing the action

Now that the pace of the fight has been set with the protagonist, it’s a good time to expand the scene out to focus on what others are doing around them.

We pick up with watching Bixa leaping at the troopers from the last section.

They were so much bigger than her, yet she took on two of them, all on her own: fists smashing out, hooves kicking with perfect precision.

Major Dashwood fell upon two more, wrestling with them under the flashing lights.

Here we’re getting distinct scenes of the surrounding action—not everything is about what the protagonist is doing. Notice that the detail here is used to give very strong visual images of the action.

Or at least that’s what it seemed like to Biff. The machine suddenly erupted into a mass of coloured beams: light blazed out, hitting each soldier square on.

The captain, who was closest, fell again, covering her eyes to the beam’s intensity before collapsing.

She shot into the air, the bike accelerated to 250, and as soon as it met the missiles it detonated itself: the shockwave flattened the middle three riders.

One of the guardian drones flew down from above, shot another rider with a green laser, burning off his arms.

The humans were twice their size, but the amphib's numbers were greater: the troop’s blades stung, and a flailing human was no match for a nimble amphib.

The commander cut the soft tubes of one human’s breathing device, forcing them quickly to the surface.

Write your own variation here, opening up the scene to the people around your protagonist.