
Checkpoint page
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Let’s pull all these fragments back together and see what we have. Here’s the original snippet:

There were troopers on the other side. Five huge Axxa troopers with cannon in their hands. They were off-balance from the explosion, but recovering fast. They raised their cannon – aimed –

– and Bixa was upon them. They were so much bigger than her, yet she took on two of them, all on her own: fists smashing out, hooves kicking with perfect precision.

Major Dashwood fell upon two more, wrestling with them under the flashing lights.

Lucky charged at the last trooper, head down, hoping to take him by surprise. But the man was much stronger than him. He turned Lucky aside, and slammed him into the wall.


Lucky sank to the floor. He looked up to see the trooper aiming his cannon. Squeezing the trigger. A shot went off –

– but not before Major Dashwood had somehow got between them. Hollering a bloodcurdling war cry, he seized the trooper by the collar, and launched his own head forward. Their skulls connected with a sickening crack – and then the trooper was on the floor, unconscious. Dashwood had felled him with a single massive head-butt.

Here are the examples we've been building:

The armed Ulysses IV squad surrounded them both. The creature grabbed the goo machine from Biff’s hands. The squad had been floored by the creature’s first attack, but Biff knew that wouldn’t last long. They got to their feet – aimed at both of them –

– and the creature spoke to the machine. Or at least that’s what it seemed like to Biff. The machine suddenly erupted into a mass of coloured beams: light blazed out, hitting each soldier square on.

The captain, who was closest, fell again, covering her eyes to the beam’s intensity before collapsing.

Biff quickly crouched, trying to avoid the wild shots of the falling soldiers. However, one beam nicked him and shockwaves rippled through his body as he fell, wounded.


He writhed and jolted on the spot. Two of the remaining soldiers wildly charged towards him. Raising their rifles. Blindly taking aim –

– when a large tentacle knocked them away. Roaring at the fallen soldiers, the creature turned and spoke again to the goo machine. Fresh beams erupted, this time to Biff – and the pain stopped as quickly as it started. The creature’s machine could heal as well as destroy, and Biff was beyond grateful.

She turned the corner and—oh no, five megabikes oncoming. Riders in impact suits, pulse rifles slung at their sides. They were travelling fast, but they gunned their engines even harder when they saw her. They activated their seeker missiles, the blinking red tips appearing emerging from the front of the bikes like spiders’ eyes – launched them –

– and Vijay hit eject. She shot into the air, the bike accelerated to 250, and as soon as it met the missiles it detonated itself: the shockwave flattened the middle three riders.

One of the guardian drones flew down from above, shot another rider with a green laser, burning off his arms.

Vijay, still in mid air, popped her rifle and aimed at the one remaining rider. But he was already a step ahead. He opened a shield, absorbed the energy from her shot, then channeled it back at her. It struck her in the chest, threw her back against the building behind.


Vijay tumbled down the side of the building, landing face down in the street. The merc skidded to a halt, swinging around to aim his rifle at her. She fumbled for a grenade. The merc fired—

—but the drone got him first. With a high electric whine, the drone swooped in and activated its laser directly overhead. The merc’s helmet turned red—then suddenly there was nothing but a pulpy mist. The rider had been evaporated. According to Vijay’s HUD, the entire firefight had lasted 3.6 seconds.

Humans approached from all directions. Six of them, with piercing lights and spear guns at the ready. They were slow without the machine to help them, but Jola knew their weapons were fast. Raising their spear guns – they aimed –

– and the Command troop attacked from the dark kelp forest below. The humans were twice their size, but the amphib's numbers were greater: the troop’s blades stung, and a flailing human was no match for a nimble amphib.

The commander cut the soft tubes of one human’s breathing device, forcing them quickly to the surface.

Jola quickly swam to one scuffle, determined to help. But the large human was too powerful for the group. They flailed, kicking and striking each of the group hard.


Jola was in so much pain she could hardly breathe. Lights flashing before her eyes, she focussed enough to see the human fumbling with their spear gun. Aiming it in her direction. Firing –

– when she was pulled out of harm’s way by her commander. Barrelling forward with frightening speed, he grabbed their breathing tube, but this time used it to pull the human’s head back. He made a simple movement with his knife – and the invader was lifeless. The commander saving Jola's life and ending theirs.

And below is your version, joined together. You'll need to delete the line breaks to create a continuous paragraph.

Is there anything you want to edit? This is your last chance to make improvements before we conclude the lesson!

Make sure you have:

  • Some action to start things off with a bang.
  • A widening of perspective to include other characters in the action.
  • A return to the protagonist, only to have the tide turn against them.
  • A dire moment when the protagonist is all but defeated.
  • A final reversal that see our heroes triumphant.
Delete excess paragraph breaks and polish your scene.