Bracing for the first plunge

At this point the Hero is introduced.

Because the fantastic event is introduced so suddenly, this is a good place to add a little more detail about the environment. The more normal the situation, the harder it will be to believe the event just happened.

Sam Temple was sitting in third-period history class staring blankly at the blackboard, but far away in his head. In his head he was down at the beach, he and Quinn. Down at the beach with their boards, yelling, bracing for that first plunge into cold Pacific water.


In this case, Sam’s daydreaming in class. We’re introduced to his friend Quinn, and their love of surfing. It’s still quick and simple - just enough to know he prefers friendship and action to sitting around. It’s an important quality for a main character in an action adventure story!

Can you find the same pattern in these examples?

Noah was standing in the checkout queue fidgeting impatiently, wondering if he’d get home in time for his favourite show. His dad had sent him shopping even though he knew he wouldn’t get back in time. It was the season finale!

Trixie was leaning against the kitchen counter pouring milk into her gran’s tea and wondering what it would be like to be the bass guitarist for an all-girl punk band. She’d been thinking it’d probably be pretty rad. Loud. Fast. Screaming fans. Dive backwards of the stage and keep playing while the crowd carried you round. Sick.

Before you write your version, think about the qualities of your Hero. Even if you don’t write about them here, they should be in your mind as you write.

They’re usually a normal person with special qualities that the events around them bring to the front. Often they’re in an opposite position to where they will be by the end of the story. For example, Harry Potter, powerful wizard, defeater of Voldemort, starts his story as a mistreated child living in the muggle world under his aunt and uncle’s staircase. 

Sam is a natural, but reluctant leader. He’s calm under pressure, capable of heroic deeds. The other kids know this because he saved a busload of people before the events of the story - the driver had a heart attack and he calmly stops the bus from crashing. Sam is also one of the kids developing superpowers, something that comes to light during the story.

Example 1: Though selfish at the start, Noah learns through tragedy to help others. 

Example 2: Trixie’s stubbornness and mad tech skills will return things to normal.

It’s time to write your own version.