See you next time!

That's it for this lesson!

Everything we've learned here is what you'd call a historical description, but we've focused specifically on describing historical figures.

This kind of historical description:

  • Locates historical figures in time and place.
  • Describes what they did at different time scales, ranging from decades to days.
  • Explains the meaning and significance of their lives.
  • Sticks to known facts or broadly accepted opinions.

We also looked at how we can describe groups of people in a similar way to individuals.

You can boil it all down to when, where, what, and so what—but as you've seen, there are a lot of choices in the details!

If you're reading anything about history, stop and see if you can find a section that is a pure descriptive report as we've practised here.

  • Some texts, like encyclopedia entries, might be entirely composed of a report.
  • More complex texts might embed reports within the text as needed.

Pop quiz!

Who is this person and how is she related to generative AIs such as ChatGPT and Midjourney?

What's the relationship!?

See you next time!