
Some accounts of people's lives are scaled at the level of years.

Dorothy Thompson at Nazi Rally NYPR

For example, Dorothy Thompson was a superstar American journalist during World War II.

This snippet recounts some key moments from the years before the war, when Thompson was an early and vocal critic of Adolf Hitler and Nazism:

Thompson’s searing criticism angered Hitler, who personally ordered her to leave Nazi Germany in 1934. She was the first American journalist to be expelled from the country by the Nazi regime. "As far as I can see, I was really put out of Germany for the crime of blasphemy,” she said upon disembarking in the United States. “My offense was to think that Hitler is just an ordinary man, after all. That is a crime in the reigning cult in Germany, which says Mr. Hitler is a messiah sent of God to save the German people.”

Back in America, Thompson devoted herself to publicly opposing the Nazis, and continued to take risks to oppose Nazism. In 1939, she disrupted a Madison Square Garden rally of American Nazi sympathizers, the German-American Bund, laughing during their speeches. She eventually had to be rescued by police. 

  • This snippet covers a period of 4 years.
  • It describes key moments for each date.
  • The writer has used quotes from Dorothy Thompson to explain the meaning of certain events.
Sir Isaac Newton Wikipedia

Isaac Newton was one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists in human history.

In contrast to the drama of Dorothy Thompson's life in 1939, this snippet recounts a period of his life that was strikingly monotonous and routine:

Humphrey Newton sketched a few facets of Newton’s life as he found it in the 1680s.

Newton enjoyed taking a turn in his garden about which he was “very Curious … not enduring to see a weed in it…” His curiosity did not rise to the level of dirtying his hands, however; he hired a gardener to do the work.

He was careless with money; he kept a box filled with guineas, as many as a thousand, Humphrey thought, by the window. Humphrey was not sure if it was carelessness or a deliberate ploy to test the honesty of others — primarily Humphrey.

In the winter, he loved apples, and sometimes he would have a small roasted quince. Not much in the account suggested leisure, however. The Newton Humphrey found had immersed himself in unremitting study to the extent that he grudged even the time to eat and sleep. 

During five years, Humphrey saw him laugh only once, and John North, master of Trinity from 1677 to 1683, feared that Newton would kill himself with study.

  • This snippet covers about 5 years.
  • On the surface, nothing happens. So there is no "in 1681 this happened, then in 1683 that happened..." Newton was intensely focused on his studies and his garden for 5 years.
  • Notice how this snippet describes Newton through the eyes of others, Humphrey and John North, quoting their observations, including their attempts to summarise the situation.

Try writing about an important period in this sea troll's life. What's an achievement he might have taken a few years to accomplish? Or a period where he kept up a particular routine?

To help you, here are some phrases from the snippets above:

  • Thompson's searing criticism angered...
  • She was the first American to be expelled...
  • Back in America, Thompson...
  • In 1939, she disrupted...
  • She eventually had to be...
  • as he found it in the 1680s.
  • Newton enjoyed...
  • He was careless with...
  • In the winter, he...
  • During five years, Humphrey...
Using one of the snippets above as a model, write 3-5 sentences of vivid historical description of a period spanning a few years from this figure's life. Pay attention to when, where, what, and so what.

During the years 1720 to 1725, the sea troll known as Aegir took on the ambitious project of safeguarding the coastal villages from pirate raids and monstrous sea creatures. Aegir, residing in the deep waters off the northern coast, would rise from the sea at dawn each day to patrol the shores. His presence alone deterred many threats, but when necessary, he used his immense strength to protect the villagers and their homes.

Fishermen and sailors, who once lived in constant fear, began to view Aegir as a guardian. One such sailor, Erik Gunderson, remarked, "Aegir's watchful eye kept our village safe through the darkest storms and the fiercest attacks. His commitment never wavered."

By the end of this period, his efforts had significantly reduced the frequency of raids and attacks, bringing a sense of peace and stability to the coastal communities. Aegir's guardianship during these crucial years became a celebrated chapter in local lore, a testament to his dedication and strength.