Grammar can sometimes seem super technical and complicated and confusing, but our aim in this lesson isn't to fill you up with obscure rules and jargon.
Rather, we want to help you take apart a piece of writing in the same way a mechanic takes apart a car, or a surgeon operates on a patient.
It's very hard to be a surgeon saying, "Oh, there's a problem with the... squishy red thing." Every person with a skill has a way of breaking that skill into pieces and naming each of those pieces.
So we're here to learn a shared language that we can use to talk about... well, about language, and the building blocks of writing.
You're going to learn a few new terms, but they're all quite logical, and once you have the hang of them you will find that you can pull writing apart as easily as you strip a car engine. (You do know how to strip an engine, right?)