I have a signal, but there's nothing

Again the scale changes quickly. One person’s concern becomes many people’s concern.

For two seconds everyone froze. Then a rustle and a clatter, followed by the sound of dozens of fingers punching dozens of keypads.

“It’s not doing anything.”

“My mom would be home, she would answer. It’s not even ringing.”

“Oh, my God: there’s no internet, either. I have a signal, but there’s nothing.”

“I have three bars.”

“Me too, but it’s not there.”


The dialogue hints that it’s beyond the school, but nothing has been proven yet. 

Can you find the same pattern in these examples?

There was silence. Then pockets, purses and handbags rustled as people scrambled for their phones.

“Mine’s dead, too.”

“Sorry. Nothing here either."

“I’ve only just charged my phone. Why won’t it work?”

“My phone’s as black as everything else around here!”

“What the hell has happened?” 

Trixie looked at the others, who just stared back at her with their mouths open. And then it was like every house in the street opened up at once and everyone came out shouting.

“There’s a gator in my toilet!”

“My fern ate my cat!”

“Ants! Ants! The laundry’s full of giant ants!”

“The internet’s out!”

“It’s the biggest spider you’ve ever seen!”

Write your own variation.