
We're going to do impressions of some distinctive writing styles, including thriller, romance, and tabloid.

To give us something to write about, we'll use this picture of Liberty Leading the People, by Eugene Delacroix, as inspiration.

Eugene Delacroix Liberty Leading the People

This painting is about the 1830 Revolution in France, which is probably not the revolution you think it is.

If you are curious and want some background info:

Wikipedia article about the painting

A quick YouTube video about the July revolution.

Wikipedia article on the July Revolution.

Or try the Britannica article, which assumes more background knowledge but is more entertainingly written.

We'll do five exercises. For each exercise, you'll get a snippet in a particular style, and then an example showing how you could apply that style to the image. 

Once you submit, you’ll be able to read and react to responses from others in your group.

If you're ready, let's write!