Checkpoint piece

Checkpoint page
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Let's wrap up with a checkpoint piece!

This lesson has been about describing historical events at different time scales.

Choose a subject: For our checkpoint piece, you need to choose a historical event, real or imagined. We suggest writing about events related to communicating with a new intelligence—e.g. whales, AI, or aliens.

Choose a time scale: Years/decades, weeks/months, or hours/days.

Give it a title: Give the piece a title that explains who the subject is and what time scale you'll be taking.

You can make up the details but try to make it sound like you're a real historian.

Make sure you cover whenwherewhat, and so what. They can be in any order!

To help you, here are all the phrases that we've offered as examples throughout this lesson (and a PDF version):

Writing about 'when'

  • Forty years ago on July 20...
  • Immediately following the Middle Ages...
  • As long as modern human populations...
  • Their ancestors arrived shortly after 50,000 years ago...

Writing about 'where'

  • Gathered in East Berlin...
  • Dividing communist East Germany from West Germany...
  • The fall of Tenochtitlan...
  • Capital of the Aztec world...
  • Settlers spread over the land...
  • Jamestown lay beside a swamp...

Writing about 'what'

  • Sue White had travelled far...
  • Enlisting in the party...
  • Placed her in the vanguard of a great national crusade...
  • Their botanical footprint was transformed...
  • Cultivation expanded rapidly...
  • Castelfrentano was in the New Zealanders' hands...

Writing about 'so what'

  • The Mongol invasion of Europe left its mark...
  • The invasion is also believed to have facilitated...
  • With the lands of Asia united...
  • ...inventions could travel more freely and safely...
  • The raid resulted in...
  • Following the overwhelming negative response...
  • The legacy of the Salt March continues...
  • His protest also inspired...
  • The Salt March was a significant step...
  • ...helped to solidify Gandhi's reputation as a powerful...
  • ...believed that it threatened the very foundations of...
  • The entire world changed...
  • Egypt's fate was worse than...

Describing events at the scale of years & decades

  • The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799...
  • In the late 18th century, France...
  • Infighting within the National Convention marks the start of...
  • 1795: The Directory takes power
  • The Directory’s four years in power are...
  • After a long period of debate...
  • The most severe economic downturn began in 1929 and lasted until about...
  • For Americans, the 1930s conjures images of...
  • In 1934 the worst drought in...
  • The Great Depression spawned fundamental changes in...

Describing events at the scale of weeks & months

  • The Blitz was launched against Britain in 1940, during World War II.
  • For eight months German airplanes...
  • Once the Blitz began, the government enforced...
  • At the beginning of the Blitz, the British lacked...
  • As the attacks continued, the British improved...
  • The Birmingham campaign was organized in early 1963...
  • In the early 1960s, Birmingham was one of the most...
  • Protests in Birmingham began with...
  • When local business and government leaders resisted the...
  • When the campaign ran low on...
  • He then trained and directed...
  • This resulted in over a thousand...
  • The Birmingham campaign was a model of...

Describing events at the scale of hours & days

  • 11:35 p.m. Lookouts spot the iceberg...
  • On the night of April 14...
  • At 11:40...
  • During the first two days...
  • At 46 hours, 43 minutes, Joe Kerwin said...
  • It was the last time anyone would...
  • Nine minutes later...
  • ...a sharp bang and vibration at 9:08 p.m. April 13.
  • Next, the warning lights indicated...
  • Thirteen minutes after the explosion...
Describe an imagined historical event over a scale of years/decades, weeks/months, or hours/days.