Connecting across sentences

Look at the next snippet. What is each connector connecting, and what meanings (relatedness, cause and effect, concession, time, etc.) are they creating?

"It's funny, but I do. Even though it sounds so silly."

In terms of meaning, both of these connectors show concessions.

Structurally, the first connector, 'but', is just like many of the examples we've seen throughout this lesson; sitting in between two simple sentences to make one longer compound sentence. 

Then there is a full stop, and the next sentence is just one plain old simple sentence, except it starts with a connector, 'even though'.

Let's replace that full stop with a comma.

"It's funny, but I do, even though it sounds so silly."

The altered version has exactly the same meaning, but you might have read it with a slightly different intonation.

The purpose of the full stop/period in the original snippet is expressive rather than grammatical.

It signals the reader to pause, and give more emphasis to the next part of the sentence. The connector is doing the same job it would always do; it's just the full stop that is being used differently here.

Here's another example:

I WANT TO SEE CAMOUFLAGE! And I want to see it fast.

Again, the connector part of the sentence is being separated out in order to modulate the reader's tone; in this case so that it is read less aggressively than the first statement.

One more example:

"I won't swap."

"But you have to!"


In real speech, people will often start their sentences with connectors to show how what they are saying relates to what the last person said. And it's no different in written dialogue. Use connectors when characters are adding to, interjecting, contradicting, or completing another character's thoughts.

Write your own version of a compound sentence that is broken up by a full stop followed by your connector.