That will be the police

Now we’re going to expand the scene from the ute to the surrounding environment. Again, the first-person point of view is strong, with a variety of subjective statements.

A long way away there is a siren. That will be the police. It's a long way for them to come. I suppose they will look at the skid marks and those trees over there that are all flat and sprinkled with glass.

To make this snippet work, you need to introduce a new focus that strikes the narrator as important—important enough that they will have beliefs and opinions about it.

New focus: Introduce a new focus that catches the narrator’s attention.

Belief: What could your narrator believe about the meaning or significance of this new focus?

Judgment: How might the narrator evaluate the situation? (Or if a judgment doesn't make sense in your context, what else might they believe?)

Prediction: What would they predict about this new focus? What do they think will happen?

Expanding: Expand on the details of the prediction.

A motherly woman is picking up Imani’s bike. I need to stop her taking it. People in this city will steal anything. If I don’t stop her, she will walk into the darkness of the estate and Imani will be angry at me for losing her bike.  

Then I see Grandma standing in the corner. There’s been a mistake. She’s fine. In a moment the Woodsman will step in and all of us will laugh with relief and Grandma will tell us there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for all this blood. 

Write your variation here.