There are four main physical details: seats, blood, tray, hay.
But notice how much the description of these details reflects Ort’s specific point of view as a young boy. For instance:
The inside is covered in blood.
Everything inside is sticky. It’s blood—I’m not stupid.
It’s a combination of sensory detail and then defensive commentary that reminds us Ort is telling the story, and Ort is just a kid.
So you can approach this snippet with two levels of challenge.
Easy level
Focus on the description of each detail and don’t worry too much about the perspective and interior world of your narrator.
This is a fine choice to make, and pretty much what we’ve done in our examples below.
Challenge level
If you want to work a bit harder, maybe you can find ways to describe your details that more strongly reflect your narrator’s point of view and remind us that they are the one’s telling the story.