Linking outside the sentence

This snippet is doing something quite tricky.

As a result, the Grady boys ran completely wild.

If you read only that snippet and nothing else, your question would be as a result of what? The details are outside of the sentence. The first phrase doesn't give us a circumstance in the same way the previous examples have shown; instead it links to a circumstance in a previous sentence.

To show you what I mean, here is the same snippet but with the previous sentence included.

The twelve Grady kids had no dad—he'd either died in a mine cave-in or run off with a whore, depending on whom you listened to—and their mom spent her days in bed suffering from migraines. As a result, the Grady boys ran completely wild.

Now you understand what's going on: the Grady boys ran wild because they effectively had no parents.

We’ll write some variations on the short version of the snippet.

If you want to find some ideas for linking phrases like as a result, you can find a good list here under Effect/Consequence/Result.

For that reason, I resolved to keep my jellybeans to myself.

Consequently, we dropped the dog off at Terry’s house.

Because of all that, the school cancelled the dance indefinitely.

Write your own variation.
Write another one.