On that bleak hill-top

Let’s take a look at the first sentence.

On that bleak hill-top the earth was hard with a black frost, and the air made me shiver through every limb.

Gothic effects are created through lots of small details. Let’s build this sentence up in small chunks, starting with the first phrase.

On that bleak hill-top...

There are two interesting details in this fragment:

On that bleak hill-top: the words that and those create a sense of distance, and distance = isolation = vulnerability = fear of death (such as being snatched by a predator). 

On that bleak hill-top: bleak is a 'dark' adjective, like miserable, dank, dour, lonely, brooding, harsh, barren, wasted, grim…

You can build your collection of gothic 'dark' adjectives by following your nose through an online thesaurus: http://thesaurus.com/browse/bleak

Let’s rewrite just this fragment.

On those bitter steps…

Under that wretched roof…

At the end of that lonely shore…

You write a version of the fragment.
Write another one.