What's the mood of each image?
- The image of the mountain maybe feels intimidating, inspiring, adventurous, threatening, glorious, hopeful.
- In contrast, the image of the ocean maybe feels calm, soothing, restful, thoughtful, serene, lonely, relaxed.
Notice how neither image is intrinsically positive or negative in mood—each could be seen as upbeat or downbeat depending on the viewer.
However, the mountain image emotions all have an 'active' quality—they pull us towards or push us away from the image.
In contrast, the ocean image emotions have a kind of 'passive' quality—they leave us floating.
Why does one image feel 'active' and the other feels 'passive'?
What is similar and what is different?
- Both are landscapes
- Both have a portrait orientation
- Both guide your eye up the frame (following the path to the peak, or the white caps to the horizon)
- Angular vs flat
- Triangles vs rectangles
- Dark vs light
- High contrast vs low contrast
- Warm tones vs cool tones
- Strong motion vs subtle motion
The image with strong lines and lots of contrast creates a kind of visual motion, actively pulling our eyes, which in turn creates a sense of energy, whereas the image with broad regions and lower contrast has less visual motion, which produces a sense of calm.