All together

A quick summary of concepts before we move on:

  • Everything—people, animals, plants, places, objects, ideas—has qualities.
  • When two things have qualities on different ends of a spectrum, we have contrast.
  • Examples of contrasting qualities can be luminance, colour, texture, volume, size, shape, age, and so on.
  • When two things with contrasting qualities are placed next to each other, we have juxtaposition.
  • By highlighting differences, juxtaposition helps us perceive both elements more clearly.
  • Juxtaposition also places the two elements into a relationship, unifying them in some way even though they might be wildly different.
  • The relationship between the juxtaposed elements can create resonances which stimulate our feelings and thoughts, and cause us to be drawn into the situation.

Here are the three key concepts in a handy visual form!

Now let's see how this applies in writing!