See you next time

That's it for this lesson.

Think of someone you know and imagine that they’re the main character in a book. How do you think they would be described? Think of good descriptors and actions and attitudes that would sum up that person to someone who has never met them.

Find a story you enjoy and look for the part where it introduces the main character. What’s the balance between describing that character by their looks and their actions? It it an even mix? If not, what does the author favour?

Storm Boy by Colin Thiele is a classic Australian story that follows friendship between Storm Boy and a pelican he raised called Mr Percival. The book concentrates on other relationships too - his dad Hide-Away Tom, their friend Fingerbone Bill, three rescued pelicans and the wild coastal environment where they live and enjoy a solitary life.

The story has been turned into a play, a film (twice!), and even a video game. The images you see in this course are from the first film version of the story.  

See you next time!