What should you write about?

Flickr ND Strupler

Need ideas!

Since we're going to do lots of writing, you're going to need to think of things to write about.

Oh no! What should you write about? What if your brain goes completely blank?

Here are three ideas about things you can always write about.

Write about Candyland

You can always rewrite the snippet as if it were set in Candyland. Who lives in Candyland? What kind of things happen there? Delicious things I'm sure!

Welcome to Candyland!

Write about Horrorland

Candyland is fun and all, but what about Horrorland? What kind of things happen over there?

Welcome to Horrorland?

Write about ordinary life

Believe it or not, the world around you is really interesting and worth writing about, if you look at it closely. Try writing about your family, friends, teachers and pets.

Your story here