There were several shops

The next sentence is a list with a particular pattern.

There were several shops, a post office, a pub and a little church whose stained-glass windows were glowing jewel bright across the square.

The church is the most important thing in the list. This is where our heroes are going. And in the context of this slightly sinister village, the jewel bright glow gives a sense of light and safety.

Can you find the same pattern in these examples?

There were several warehouses, a jetty, a tavern and some kind of stone fort with a large wooden door that had been covered in glossy red paint.

There was a series of smelters, a forge, a dipping tank and an office high above whose window was glowing brilliantly through the smoke.

There was a gazebo, a pond, an ornamental bridge and a tiny cave whose entrance led into an impenetrable darkness.

Write your variation .