Not worried

We’re finished the hard part! Now it gets easier.

The next snippet connects key points from the previous snippets but flips them in order to downplay the sense of dread.

The sounds of night aren't really what's keeping me from Burke and Wills, though. It's Dad. He's not back. But I'm not worried.

Confession: This snippet starts by saying the distraction we’ve been talking about all this time (the sounds of the night) isn’t the real reason why the narrator is avoiding their obligations (to study Burke and Wills).

Status of the victim: The narrator updates us about the victim, but in an emotionally neutral way.

Downplaying concern: Then they deny they’re concerned.

Of course, because of all the resonant details to this point, we know the narrator is not telling the truth, because we have been coaxed into feeling worried ourselves.

But while I'm looking for food I am not really hungry. Imani. She has not returned. I'm sure she is fine.

But in truth, it’s not the drama of twilight that is keeping me from preparing the butter. It’s Grandma. Is she home safely? She wouldn’t have been so calm if there were any real danger.

Write your variation here.