Resentment and resistance

This snippet is similar to the last one, but the nominalized groups come in pairs, joined by the word and.

Charles’s increasingly absolutist behavior and extractive policies created resentment and resistance throughout the country.

What are some alternative processes?

Charles’s increasingly absolutist behavior and extractive policies discouraged resentment and resistance throughout the country.

Charles’s increasingly absolutist behavior and extractive policies began to cause resentment and resistance throughout the country.

Write your own variation.

Now, how could you replace the process with a conjunction? As with the last page, you’ll need to rewrite the nominalisations to make it work.

Charles’s increasingly absolutist behavior and extractive policies created resentment and resistance throughout the country.

Rewrite this snippet in a way that lets you swap “created” for a conjunction.

Here’s an example of how the snippet could be rewritten. Notice how we’ve had to add two more verbs, and how resentment and resistance have turned into qualities held by people instead of being things in their own right:

Charles became increasingly absolutist and he implemented extractive policies which made people throughout the country resentful and resistant.