Submitting a checkpoint piece

Checkpoint page
Your replies on this page can be graded by your teacher

Most Writelike lessons will ask you to write one or more checkpoint pieces.

These are moments where you can demonstrate what you've learned so far.

Here's our source snippet one last time:

One minute the teacher was talking about the Civil War. And the next minute he was gone.


No “poof.” No flash of light. No explosion.


Below is your variation plus some highlighters.

Try applying the highlighters (and watch out for those paragraph breaks).

  • You don't have to highlight a checkpoint piece.
  • But highlighting any variation you write forces you to look more closely at what you wrote, and compare it to the source snippet. If you realise you've missed something, you can edit your text and then apply the highlighting again.
  • And highlighting checkpoint pieces is useful because it helps your teacher or peers see what you intended.

Checkpoints can also have reflection prompts.

While the prompts will vary, the general purpose is to get you to think about your learning and writing process and whatever you write can be seen by teachers or peer reviewers.

Depending on the settings for your class, you may or may not see the reflection prompt.

If you didn't submit your response on the 'Writing a variation' page by clicking Complete page, your work won't have been pasted in the textbox below. You'll need to either go back and submit your work, or write something new here.

Apply highlighting and edit your variation as needed.

Once you've finished editing and highlighting, click Next to submit.