

We got a bunch of feedback that this intro lesson was confusing and boring so we made a new version that is hopefully clearer and more fun.

If you're seeing this version it's because it's what was published when you created your account. If you want the latest version, you can assign it to yourself or to a group.

We all communicate with other people.

We tell each other stories, we explain things to each other, we try to persuade people to see our point of view or change their mind... And that takes skill!

Stick figure sits at a computer desk. Person 1. Are you coming to bed? Person 2. I can't. This is important. Person 1. What? Person 2. Someone is WRONG on the internet.

Writelike helps you develop writing and communication skills by studying the work of great writers, finding useful patterns and tricks that you can use, and then applying them to your own writing.

This lesson is a tutorial: we just want to get you familiar with how Writelike works.

So let's get started! Click Next to move to the next page.