Help your students develop
advanced writing skills by
modelling great writers

How it works

Read snippets of authentic text

Anything from Shakespeare to cereal boxes, depending on the lesson.

Identify patterns

Analyse the snippet and highlight patterns and features.

Compare examples

Review worked examples to see how patterns can be adapted.

Write new versions

Write variations that apply snippet patterns to new content.

Help your students become more capable writers

With a growing library of lessons

Explore genre-based writing in unparalleled depth with a rich library of lessons, aligned to both ACARA and Common Core.

Overview lessons

Surveys of key genre features, such as narrative basics or expressive punctuation

Detailed practice lessons

Deep-dives into craft and technique, such as subjective first person narrative or high concept storytelling

Remix lessons

Fast and loose explorations or genre and content, such as Godzilla as a haiku or the French revolution as terse action thriller

Browse lessons

Grounded in educational research and writers' craft

Writelike combines the age-old practice of copying from masters with contemporary educational research, including social learning theory, genre-based pedagogy, and cognitive load theory.

Writing is cultural.

As solitary as it might seem, writing is a social and cultural act. All writing has a cultural context and purpose, and this is often a key source of meaning and motivation.

Writing is genre-based.

One result of written culture is the development of specialised genres with their own patterns and techniques. While these genres can be studied separately, in practice they often work together.

Writing is complex.

Writing imposes a high cognitive load for even experienced writers. We can reduce the load on novice writers by providing short snippets, minimalist instruction, worked examples, and lots of practice.

Learn about Writelike's
evidence base

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Our supporters

Writelike is a passion project from Liquid Interactive, one of Australia’s leading digital learning and communication design agencies. It has been developed with generous funding from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Advance Queensland.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Liquid Interactive
Advance Queensland

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