The grievance

In our first snippet, we identify the person to blame and state our complaint.

“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?

  • Quote mark: This whole snippet is dialogue, so we need to open with a speech mark.
  • The perpetrator: Use an exclamatory fragment to get the attention of the person to blame.
  • What they did: Ask why they did what they did.
  • The scale of impact: Use the phrase 'so that' (or something similar) to connect their action with a terrible impact on you.

We'll come back and do a voice and vocabulary pass later.

But do pay attention to key structural elements, like the opening fragment and the use of the phrase 'so that' to link to an impact.

Here's the pattern applied to our bedroom and alien examples.

"Muuuum! Why did you clean my room so now I can’t find my charger?

"You stupid Redditors! Why did you spam my address into space so that now I’ve been abducted by Gammalorians?

Write your variation here.