Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I write a Frequently Asked Question?

Of course you can! FAQs often sound like you’ve asked a friendly person working for the company. The question sounds like you’ve asked it (‘I’ messages) and the answer sounds like they’re replying (‘you’ messages).

If there’s a positive spin you can give to the question that’s asked, you use it! If you can’t put a positive spin on it, you answer clearly and factually. 

If there’s a condition which applies to the answer they may add it in italics, like the example.

Can I get a free trial before I purchase?

Yes. Anyone with a Nintendo Account can get one free, seven-day trial through Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch.

During the free trial, you’ll have access to benefits including online play in compatible games, a selection of NES™ games with newly added online play, and more!

Free trial automatically converts into a 1-month membership for $3.99/month, unless you turn off automatic renewal before the end of the free trial.

Do you have anything to help me get tough stains off my kitchen tiles?

Yes. Spilt dinner on more than one occasion? If you have a heavy build up of grease, dirt or grime in your kitchen, Sauce-Off is your best plan of attack. It’s a concentrated, high-alkaline cleaner and degreaser, specially formulated to remove even the toughest stains on tile and grout!

You can find Sauce-Off where all good kitchen tile cleaners are sold.

Do not allow the cleaner to come into contact with any non-recommended surfaces. Rinse cleaner away completely before allowing yourself or pets to contact the area. 

Answer a question about a product, using the photo as the starting point. Answer the question in a friendly, professional way.