Kids’ adventure stage play

In a book, the writer can tell you what’s going on without a word being spoken by a character.

In a play, especially one for kids, the dialogue does this work. It has to explain what’s happening, how people are feeling, and why things are the way they are. A large part of plays is people arguing with each other, trying to persuade each other, resisting being persuaded... but it is mostly in dialogue with conflict.

Have a look at the example for some BIG heartfelt conflict that explains what’s happening as it goes.

HARRY (remembering Cedric hurts him): Yes, I remember your son. His loss –

AMOS: Voldemort wanted you! Not my son! You told me yourself, the words he said were, “Kill the spare.” The spare. My son, my beautiful son, was a spare.

HARRY: Mr Diggory, as you know, I sympathize with your efforts to memorialize Cedric, but –

AMOS: A memorial? I’m not interested in a memorial – not anymore. I am an old man – an old dying man – and I am here to ask you – beg you – to help me get him back.

HARRY looks up, astonished.

HARRY: Get him back? Amos, that’s not possible.

AMOS: The Ministry has a Time-Turner, does it not?

HARRY: The Time-Turners were all destroyed.

AMOS: The reason I’m here with such urgency is I’ve just heard a rumor – strong rumor – that the Ministry seized an illegal Time-Turner from Theodore Nott and has kept it. For investigation. Let me use that Time-Turner. Let me have my son back.

A quiet laneway. SHINJI and AIKO walk in costume. SHINJI stumbles and AIKO catches him.

SHINJI: How did I let you talk me into this stupid costume?

AIKO: ‘Let’s go to ComiCon in cosplay,’ you said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ you said. So here we are.

SHINJI: Ugh! So hot and itchy! Such a bad idea!

A YOUNG GIRL runs up to them.

YOUNG GIRL: Godzilla is my absolute favourite! RAWR!!! You! Are! Awesome!

The YOUNG GIRL gives a big wave and leaves.

SHINJI: Okay. Maybe not so bad.

Write a small scene based on the photo, with the dialogue explaining the characters, situation and conflict.